H-SystemIsolatedBarriers The productselectiontoolbelow for SchneiderElectric'sFoxboroDCSoffers you an easyway of selecting the H-Systemterminationboards (HiCTB) and isolatedbarriers (HiC) suitable for yourapplication. As a result
-PowerTrunksegments. For the PROFIBUSPowerHubGatewayModule (HD2-GTR-4PA), wealsooffermotherboardsolutions for one simplex (MB-FB-GT) or tworedundant (MB-FB-GTR) modules for foursegments. These can be combined with a CompactFieldbusPowerHub
productsolutions . Godirectly to FoxboroDCSSolutionsTriconexSafetySystemEthernet-APLHMISystemsMobileWorkerSolutionsPSIndustrialPowerSuppliesVIATORHARTInterfacesSchneiderElectricExchangeRegister for E-Newslettere-newsSubscribe
. The TriconexSafetySolutionsTriconCxI/Ocards and the H-SystemTerminationBoards (HICTB16-TRX-) with isolatedbarriers (HiC) are connectedvia a Standard Triconexsystemcable
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